Inspirational Vision

Creative Connection

Transformational Action

Who Who

The Adora Foundation is a platform for social innovation. We accompany individuals, organisations and communities in their efforts to make a positive difference to the world. We specialise in the art of unlocking, expanding and evaluating collective action and individual attitude and behaviour change.

What What

Social action projects to test and demonstrate concepts in action. Artistic expression, to tap into the wellsprings of creativity and human motivation. Technological innovation, to achieve reach and scale. Advanced research and evaluation, to design from solid evidence.

How How

We incubate, test, replicate and scale up evidence-based projects across a maximum diversity of contexts, to achieve proof of concept. From this we refine models, tools and methodologies to contribute to policy and practice, from the smallest locality to the global stage.

Project Partners

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We carry out 3 types of research, academic (peer reviewed), action research, and evaluation research. We have published in top-tier journals in collaboration with the University of Brighton's Values and Sustainability Research Group. We have also been commissioned advanced evaluation research by organisations ranging from universities and global INGOs to local refugee agencies and community health centres. In addition we carry out internal research to shape our social impact design processes.



One of the ways we share our learning from consistent success in social impact is through partnering with other organisations through consultancy commissions. Generally our expertise is sought in the areas of soft-outcomes, impact and equalities evaluation; advanced facilitation of intercultural or conflict-prone processes and groups; social innovation/social impact strategy and design; arts for social impact; catalyst interventions; youth empowerment; and engagement of hard to reach groups.